Friday, 15 June 2012


The Parallel Universe

Since i was child, i always dreaming about the parallel universe.
What's in the next door?
Every step i take, it always will be a journey for me.
But it seems when i grew up, i can't imagine it as clear as i child,
so the only way to pour my feelings is by the artworks

Will we find another earth?
Human has questioned this for over a century.

Are there any creature there?
Are there any ocean, mountain, and another living things?
We still haven't the answer.
That's why many fiction stories told about the parallel universe, or maybe a multiverse, or maybe another planet, etc. For example, Prometheus, Thor, Red Planet, Narnia, etc.

And i was surfing the other day when i found an article from NASA that we are already found 'the new earth' it named Keppler 22b and it said :
In December of 2011, Nasa confirmed the discovery of the first planet found in the habitable zone of a “sun-like” star. They named the planet Kepler-22b. The planet is about 2.5 times the radius of Earth, and orbits comfortably within the habitable zone. Scientist are unsure of the composition of the planet, but the discovery has proven to be a huge step in finding a “twin Earth.”
'as said in' 

This could be a new journey for the human. Maybe in 20 or more years again, we could take a new step to this journey by using a 'time warp' or another new innovation. Read more in NASA's site here

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