Monday, 12 August 2013


We are the night

Today we got Perseid meteor shower!
The Perseid can be seen during the last week of July or first week in August, but the peak will come tonight -- the evening of Sunday, August 12 into the morning of Monday, August 13 (best seen around 11 pm - 3 am)
You can find them in the northeastern sky, or just download 'Droid Sky View' for free in google play :)

I was looking for perseus tonight, but couldn't find one (eventhough the sky is clear) just because too much light from the streetlamp. And, my camera lens isn't good enough to take one :') *i guess i'll try someday with other lens*

Hihi, however, this is the first meteor shower for us ♥ Precious things are precious~ Eventhough i didn't catch one, but at least i tried!

Oh, but wait... i forgot! I caught one! 
I think it's Vega (based from the star map).. i wanted to take more, really :') but this one is enough to make my heart jumping from excitement~ 


Last, This is a short story from a long time ago. Romance, as always. A little bit.. i don't know, i wrote it in my spare time back then. I guess i'm bored. The story is about stargazing :) Happy Reading~

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