Sunday, 30 December 2012


Cloud Atlas

“Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime, and every kindness, we birth our future.” - Cloud Atlas

Cloud Atlas. Oh how awesome this movie is.
I just really love the plot, how they told 6 different stories in the same time, how they connected each other by each stories, and how they entered our mind with the 'reincarnation' concept slowly..
Cloud Atlas is a masterpiece, one of the most definitive to emerge in years, for it’s daringly ambitious, brilliant in scope, and wondrous in character development. 
They made us understand, feel what we didn't feel before. 
The idea of everything's connected is just... AWESOME.

Cloud Atlas
Eventhough at first, you'll got confused but slowly.. you'll understand how beautiful this movie is...

Cloud Atlas Sextet
And don't EVER forget the score.
This is the list i love from the soundtrack :
1. Cloud Atlas Sextet
2. Death is only a door
3. The Message
4. Kesselring
5. Cloud Atlas (End Title)

Oh my, my.. you'll absolutely love the music. Specially for 'Cloud Atlas Sextet'

Jim Sturgess... Ben Whishaw.. Tom Hanks.. Halle Berry.. Doona Bae.. and many others actors that you'll recognize their transformation. You'll be absolutely enchanted by this movie !
I almost cried into tears when i watch the final.
The message.. everything was so great..
I even can't handle it anymore.

 And here are the cast & their transformation from Cloud Atlas :

Doona Bae
Ben Whishaw
 Ben Whishaw as Robert Frobisher.. can't handle the cuteness. I don't really like the character but the stories,. in the end makes me really broken hearted. Their love story is just too.. ugh.

Halle Berry
Hugh Grant
Hugo Weaving
Jim Broadbent
Jim Sturgess
Jim Sturgess! If you watch & remember this cute boy from '21' movie,.. you'll absolutely love his transformation when he did the 'Isaac' and specially 'Hae-Ju-Zheng' character.
Oh my god. Hae Ju Zheng Commander is just way too *nosebleed*

Susan Sarandon
Tom Hanks

“Our lives and our choices, each encounter, suggest a new potential direction. Yesterday my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another. Fear, belief, love, phenomena that determined the course of our lives. These forces begin long before we are born and continue long after we perish. Yesterday, I believe I would have never have done what I did today. I feel like something important has happened to me. Is this possible?”
 - Isaac, Cloud Atlas

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