Thursday, 31 December 2015

Hello everyone!
So it has been a long time since my last updates about nakigitsune, i know, my holiday is so quickly over right after i did my first cosplay at Utsuru! 2, and i went back to reality, college & tasks (i finally working on with my proposal for my final script) it has been a rough month these days, but it happen that i really enjoyed it

So how's your 2015 for you everyone?
Did you find new experience, things, journey?
2015 was so dramatic to me, but i also lost and found a new journey, i guess that's just how life works. We loss and we found, and without the moments, we are just plain. Afterall, how could we know joy without pain?

Looking back to 2015, i think that i took much big steps that takes me to another level of getting 'mature'. I found out that, one doesn't simply follow our heart without our logical mind, and vice versa. But then, i also found out that regretting something is actually a waste of time and forcing something will not turn any good for us. So just try to let it go, let go of what doesn't belong to you and try to take a step forward over it.

In the end of 2015, i realized that i need to change my perception. I need to change my focus, and i already set it in front of my eyes. If the year before i set my goal as 'result-oriented' now i will look more for 'process-oriented'. And also, to make little meaningful things that makes people happy. Because i believe that there's always a space for kindness in everything.

I actually cannot wait what 2016 have in mind, hopefully it's getting better and better than 2015. I know that it's predicted to be busier than before (specially because, college is near to the end) but i believe that every single steps that i take will take me to a better one.

So, Bon voyage!